Our mixed household has yet to acknowledge the imminent arrival of #Sinterklaas - as the weather is so awful today I thought I'd make something to get into the spirit of Sint, so dutchies, what do you suggest?
Our mixed household has yet to acknowledge the imminent arrival of #Sinterklaas - as the weather is so awful today I thought I'd make something to get into the spirit of Sint, so dutchies, what do you suggest?
Having a LOT of issues with Photos.app on iOS. Slooooooooooooow. Deleted photos keep showing up again. Editing takes YEARS. Saving after that often (very often) fails. Photos take minutes to show up after I shoot them…
I’m aware my library is quite large, but never had problems before.
Today's #Wristcheck is the #G-SHOCK DW-6640RE
The Call of Duty launcher is so pants. You launch the game and if you have the audacity to want to play the campaign it kicks you back out and relaunches it all again.
Wenn Populismus auf die Realitaet trifft.
Warum die umgekehrte #Energiewende eines Markus Soeder absoluter Unsinn ist, das zeigt auch dieser Artikel des BR https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/atomkraft-so-koennte-isar-2-in-bayern-wieder-in-betrieb-gehen,UUZwmvO
In this AMA post, @nigel asks me about the about the federated web and whether I think there's a future for it. It's an interesting question as I'm heavily involved in the federated web by running this blog, as well as Fosstodon and 500.Social.
cat [0] = Remove impediment (in front of cat door)
cat [1] = Fascillitate (open ‘big’ door at 6 AM)
cat [2] = Release management (soft food)
“me” : “scrummaster for a cat”
What should a doctor do if they see someone in critical conditions on the street?
Abide to their oath and help?
Or ask them first if they are permanent residents with a house and a job in the Netherlands?
According to the fascist sociopaths that currently run the games in The Hague, it should be the latter.
It’s common for migrants on work permits who lose their job to lose their health insurance too.
The Netherlands has a broken system where, as a migrant, you can only get a rental contract if you have an employment contract. And you can only get a health insurance if you have a permanent residence. That means that a lot of the burden of providing people with housing and healthcare falls on employers and expat agencies rather than the government. Deadlocks are very common. And if one of those pieces fall, the others are likely to follow.
Instead of fixing their broken system, the Dutch government is notching up its cynicism and showing its ugliest face - if you’re a migrant without a job who gets sick here, you should go back to your country to seek for care.
And it’s not that the system was abused either. In the whole country only 5000 migrants are currently uninsured after losing their job. A fund of a couple of millions has been allocated for them, something that a rich Western country can totally afford. But of course evil is always banal and it always feasts on the pain of the most vulnerable.
Don't be good at React.
Be good at JavaScript.
Don't be good at Tailwind.
Be good at CSS.
Vielen Dank an @luca für das tweetXer-Skript, womit wir klar machen können, dass wir als @bonndigital X definitiv nicht mehr nutzen und nicht helfen wollen, die Follower-Zahlen sich schönzureden. Bald sind alle Accounts auf 0 gesetzt, ohne deswegen den lang genutzten Accountnamen freizugeben.
PS: Ist wirklich einfach zu nutzen: Skript kopieren, Button klicken, los geht's! Für Gründliche kann man vorher noch das Archiv runterladen und als Löschgrundlage nutzen.
Time for tea on #Silentsunday at the amazing Paolozzi Cafe at Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh.
Carlo Masala: „Wir übergeben dieses Land den Russen schuldenfrei und sehen gut dabei aus.“